FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Clear Ascension Flu Energy & Stubborn Lower Vibrational Blocks To Skyrocket Your Ascension!

(Meditation details below)


The Awakening Accelerator

A guided energy healing meditation to help you to incinerate energetic density within your system, dissolve stubborn energy blocks, usher in higher frequency energy and train your energies into a raised vibrational state.

Ever felt a wave of unexplained exhaustion, aches & pains or 'ill health' only to realize it’s NOT a sickness - it’s ascension flu?

It's par for the course when you're on the spiritually awakening pathway. BUT... Ascension flu is an REVEALER, not a HEALER - use it as the spiritual DIAGNOSTIC tool that it is!, BEFORE it gets the chance to manifest physically!

🤔 What IS Ascension Flu? (& how to use it to ACCELERATE your ascension progress!)

Ever felt a wave of unexplained exhaustion, aches and pains or 'ill health' only to realize it’s NOT a sickness - it’s ascension flu?

While it may be inconvenient, it's a powerful sign of your spiritual awakening. Ascension Flu is more than just a physical experience - it's your soul’s way of signaling that you are undergoing a profound energetic upgrade and naturally, it leaves us with a bit of a hangover.

As your body adjusts to higher frequencies, you can experience physical symptoms that mimic the flu: fatigue, headaches, body aches and pains, sinus issues - even emotional shifts. However, unlike a regular illness, it often incorporates some energetic signs too as this is the body’s response to releasing old energies, clearing emotional blockages, and making space for the new, higher vibrational light entering your system.

Why? Because when that super high frequency energy raises our vibration, it highlights the remaining dense negative energy that still resides within our systems - it literally brings it to the surface to be identified and cleared, continually encouraging us to raise our vibration to the next higher level.

We’ve all been taught that this is a NATURAL part of the spiritual awakening process. That feeling run down and exhausted and emotionally rung out means you must be doing something right. But here’s the next piece to the puzzle that I can guarantee NOBODY taught you.

Ascension flu is CYCLICAL.

Ascension flu WON’T clear the negativity from your system, it will only REVEAL it, so it will return later down the line again and again until you DEAL with the issues it is revealing, which takes us to the next crucial problem…

Ascension flu is an REVEALER, not a HEALER.

Meaning that if we simply accept ascension flu as a sign that we are PROGRESSING, and are passive to its symptoms, they’ll simply die back down again and rise up in future to REPEAT the entire process. I don’t know about you, but ascension flu really kicks your butt, and I don’t want to go through that a moment more than is necessary.

And here’s the truth - it's NOT necessary.

If we can USE ascension flu as the DIAGNOSTIC that it is, THEN actively apply energy healing to what it has revealed, we can:

  • Clear the energy of the current ascension flu
  • Clear the ROOT CAUSE of the blocks that are stopping us from reaching a higher vibration
  • Reduce future occurrences of ascension flu (and the intensity of it when it shows up too!)

Join me on this awakening accelerating experience, where you can ditch the negative density within your energy and skyrocket your vibration to higher frequency heights!

✨NOTE: You can use this meditation DURING ascension flu symptoms OR without symptoms in order to PREVENT future attacks.


This meditation will help you to:

  • Clear any current ascension flu energies
  • Incinerate energetic density
  • Dissolve stubborn energy blocks that are holding you back from a higher vibration
  • Prevent future occurrences cycling ascension flu attacks in future (and they intensity of them)
  • Train your energies into a higher vibrational state (& teach them how to stay there naturally!)

ADDITIONAL BONUS: This meditation includes a 20 minute aftercare checkup session for additional healing and support.

⛔ Common Ascension Flu Symptoms

  • Exhaustion
  • Headaches
  • Bodily aches and pains
  • Sinus problems (can be accompanied by ‘stuffiness’ and even running nose)
  • Unexplained temperature fluctuations e.g feeling cold or sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Brain fog
  • Tingling, buzzing or heat in your chakras or energy
  • Nausea
  • Pain or aching in the third eye chakra
  • Sore throat
  • Changes in appetite

Recognise any of the above within yourself? Whether it’s happening right now, or has shown up before in the past, it's a surefire sign that there is energetic density within your system seeking to be cleared. Once you dissolve this energy once and for all, you’ll clear the cinder blocks that are weighing you down, holding you back from reaching the next higher vibrational milestone of your awakening process.

So let’s not wait one lower vibrational moment longer - there's no need to!

"You are the most talented healer that I have ever worked with!"

- Cristin McDonnell

Benefits Of Using This Meditation (either DURING ascension flu symptoms OR to PREVENT future attacks!)

  • ACCELERATE your awakening progress
  • Use it as a catalyst for personal transformation
  • Shed outdated patterns, limiting beliefs, and heal deep wounds (that are the blocks to your ascension)
  • Raise your vibration even higher than before
  • Protect yourself against ascension flu in future too!




"It’s like it’s more clear to me to know what I’m supposed to heal in my life. That I now can focus on my life and what to heal. And I felt more grounded.

Thanks so much for helping me in my journey. Because of your products I can function in my life, prepare my business and even travel a bit."

- Ane Mette Anderson



> A recorded energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.

> Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.

> Full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.

> A calm and relaxing meditation to help you stay still, present and relaxed despite the challenges right now.

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Course Curriculum



> You can complete the meditation from the comfort of your own home.

> You have lifetime access, so you can repeat the meditation for additional healing as often as you like for as long as you want, without costly repeated sessions with healers.

> Healing can be accessed whenever you like, across any and all devices you own, (as long as you have an internet connection).

"I'M SO GRATEFUL!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

- Christiana Williams

Course Curriculum

Your Instructor

Kelly Ashley
Kelly Ashley

When I went through my awakening, I hit crisis level. I was chronically ungrounded (no matter what I tried) and that led to a LOT of anxiety. I was overwhelmed and burnt out because I couldn't control my psychic senses. My emotions and feelings were so heightened and erratic that I just couldn't cope. I was secretly afraid that I was losing my mind.

That was, until I finally learned the importance of grounding my awakening which helped me calm anxiety, release overwhelm, balance my psychic abilities and stabilize my emotions. It did change everything, but it wasn't as simple as just trying a few grounding techniques. I had to ground both physically and energetically. I had to actually teach my energies HOW with energetic downloads.

"I don't have anything but wonderful things to say. Your calm, understanding voice is comforting and makes me feel less alone on this wild journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

- Heidi Mae

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the healing session?
How does lifetime access sound? After purchasing, you have unlimited access to this healing session for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Meditation and energy healing always makes me feel worse. Is this safe?
This energy healing is entirely safe during spiritual awakening. Most meditations or energetic healings are too charging and stimulating during awakening, but rest assured that this healing is destined to come to you and will cause you no harm. It has been specifically and divinely devised to SUPPORT and honour the awakening process.
How often do I need to do the healing session?
It only takes once in order for you to receive the energetic changes that the session will bring, but you may wish to repeat it in order to continue healing more deeply. The more you repeat it, the more deeply it can access and release soul level blocks and continue to move down the layers. You are welcome to repeat it as many times as you like (monthly, weekly or even daily if you choose), but avoid doing it more than once a day so that you don't become ungrounded.
What is it you are channeling?
I like to refer to this energy as high vibrational energy, but in truth it is an amalgamation of many highly ascended masters who are working with us throughout the awakening process. Its a VERY ascended energy. In fact, you might get some insights during or afterwards as to who we are working with.
How long is the energy healing?
Both meditations are approximately 20 minutes long.
Can I do only this energy healing session, or will I need future ones as well?
If one is all you ever feel drawn to do, that's fine, and you'll still gain massive benefits from having connected with the energy and being adjusted by it. If any future ones are meant for, or needed by you on a soul level, you'll know. You'll feel a resonance and a draw to the ones you need.

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