FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Harness the Life Changing Energy of 11 11!

(Meditation details below)


The 11 11 Awakening

Be energetically activated by all forms of 11 11, shift into new beginnings and manifest miracles in your life!

11 11 - your spiritual truth bomb of epic awakening, new beginnings and miracle manifestation is here!

Will YOU heed 11 11's wake up call, or let this powerfully significant energetic gateway pass you by? (11/11 is fast approaching!)

What Is 11 11?

When 11 11 energy touches your life, wonderful things begin to happen; illusions shatter, confusion dissipates, and your vibration raises to a frequency that cannot be manipulated, tricked or fooled. It wakes you up and opens your eyes so that you see with real truth, real clarity. It's a spiritual awakening all on its own and it can be used at any point on your spiritual journey to catalyse awakening, awaken even more and catapult you further in your spiritual growth because it clears all of the un-truths away. When 11 11 impacts you, the pathway ahead seems obvious and you get renewed and energised to continue on your journey.

11 11 cuts out all the time-consuming digging, questioning, wondering and soul-searching for answers. It just goes, 'boom - here's the truth. You know it, so make changes to improve your life, right now.'

Do I Have To Use This Meditation Only On 11/11?

Not at all. The 11/11 gateway for this year has already begun - you can access the most potent aspect of its life changing gateway from around a week before 11/11 to a week after, but 11 11 isn't just a date on the calendar - you can also use this meditation at any time throughout the year to align with 11 11 energy and maintain it's frequency year round!


Why Is 11/11 A Significant Day?

The spiritual significance of 11 11 is tied into both numerology and astrology, and it marks a particularly powerful opportunity to deepen your spiritual growth, connect with your inner self, and most importantly, awaken your subconscious big time.

In numerology, the 11 is a master number and represents intuition, inspiration, illumination and spiritual enlightenment. Repeating 11s are even more auspicious. They’re a sign of transformational awakening and a message from the Universe telling you to sit up and take notice! It also represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another - perfect for a fresh start!

Every year on November 11th, we get the chance to experience this master number in all its powerful glory (IF you purposely align with it). Don't miss this powerful energetic event! Get ready to emerge from November 11th all shiny and renewed.

Are You New To 11 11 Energy? (or haven't seen or experienced it before?)

If you've never happened to notice 11 11 or 1111, or 11:11 on the clock, don't worry. While 11 11 may show up unexpectedly in life for some, others need to actively align with it (and there's nothing wrong with that). Sometimes we need to harness it's power by calling it in, and often, it's in times when we don't actually see it that we need it the most. Request its assistance, allow it to create shifts in your life, know that you are deserving of its power!

This meditation will help you to:

  • Tune-in to 11 11’s life changing frequency.
  • Be energetically activated by 11 11 (in any form e.g 1111, 11:11, 11/11).
  • Dissolve illusions & experience a transformational consciousness shift catalysed by 11 11 energy.
  • Draw from 11 11’s potent power throughout the entire year.
  • Manifest new opportunities, fresh new beginnings and miracles in your life!

ADDITIONAL BONUS: This meditation includes an additional 20 minute advanced meditation which will help you to experience an 11 11 awakening - not just for this lifetime, but to draw the enlightenment of all previous lifetimes to you now

PLUS it will also activate you to become a source of 11 11 to awaken and inspire those around you!

"Thanks so much for helping me in my journey. Because of your products, I can function in my life, prepare my business and even travel a bit."

- Ane Mette Anderson






Of course! Up until a few months ago, ALL of our meditations were pre-recorded, and as you'll know if you've already experienced them - the Guides begin immediately working with your energy WHENEVER you watch and you get the full healing - its just as effective (and can be used again and again for further healing!)



> A recorded energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.

> Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.

> Full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.

> A calm and relaxing meditation to help you stay still, present and relaxed despite the challenges right now.

"You have an amazing gift!!! Thank you for responsibly aligning your time to allow your energy to be an inspiration that illuminates the path for others."

- Jean Sloan

Get started now!

Course Curriculum

  The 11 11 Awakening
Available in days
days after you enroll



> You can complete the meditation from the comfort of your own home.

> You have lifetime access, so you can repeat the meditation for additional healing as often as you like for as long as you want, without costly repeated sessions with healers.

> Healing can be accessed whenever you like, across any and all devices you own, (as long as you have an internet connection).

"I don't have anything but wonderful things to say. Your calm, understanding voice is comforting and makes me feel less alone on this wild journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

- Heidi Mae

Course Curriculum

  The 11 11 Awakening
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Kelly Ashley
Kelly Ashley

When I went through my awakening, I hit crisis level. I was chronically ungrounded (no matter what I tried) and that led to a LOT of anxiety. I was overwhelmed and burnt out because I couldn't control my psychic senses. My emotions and feelings were so heightened and erratic that I just couldn't cope. I was secretly afraid that I was losing my mind.

That was, until I finally learned the importance of grounding my awakening which helped me calm anxiety, release overwhelm, balance my psychic abilities and stabilize my emotions. It did change everything, but it wasn't as simple as just trying a few grounding techniques. I had to ground both physically and energetically. I had to actually teach my energies HOW with energetic downloads.

"I want to thank you and let you know how much your work has helped me. I don't know if I would have made it through the last 5 or 6 weeks if I hadn't found your meditations. There was so much synchronicity it was amazing. Plus your beautiful Scottish accent is lovely and uplifting to listen to and makes me smile when I hear it."

- Mary D, USA

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the healing session?
How does lifetime access sound? After purchasing, you have unlimited access to this healing session for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Meditation and energy healing always makes me feel worse. Is this safe?
This energy healing is entirely safe during spiritual awakening. Most meditations or energetic healings are too charging and stimulating during awakening, but rest assured that this healing is destined to come to you and will cause you no harm. It has been specifically and divinely devised to SUPPORT and honour the awakening process.
How often do I need to do the healing session?
It only takes once in order for you to receive the energetic changes that the session will bring, but you may wish to repeat it in order to continue healing more deeply. The more you repeat it, the more deeply it can access and release soul level blocks and continue to move down the layers. You are welcome to repeat it as many times as you like (monthly, weekly or even daily if you choose), but avoid doing it more than once a day so that you don't become ungrounded.
What is it you are channeling?
I like to refer to this energy as high vibrational energy, but in truth it is an amalgamation of many highly ascended masters who are working with us throughout the awakening process. Its a VERY ascended energy. In fact, you might get some insights during or afterwards as to who we are working with.
How long is the energy healing?
Both meditations are just under 20 minutes long making it easier to spare the time needed for an epic 11 11 activation amongst our busy lives.
Can I do only this energy healing session, or will I need future ones as well?
If one is all you ever feel drawn to do, that's fine, and you'll still gain massive benefits from having connected with the energy and being adjusted by it. If any future ones are meant for, or needed by you on a soul level, you'll know. You'll feel a resonance and a draw to the ones you need.
Do I need to do this meditation on 11th November or at any specific time?
No. While the 11 11 energy is definitely at its most potent and powerful on 11th November each year (so you should certainly utilise this Divine Timing to harness the benefits) 11 11 energy can show up at any time in life and you can align with its energy by choice throughout the year too. Don't get hung up on the number - you can draw the attributes and vibration of this number to create change at any time you need it - it will be there!
I've never seen 11 11 signs before - will it still work for me?
Absolutely. If you've never happened to notice 11 11 or 1111, or 11:11 on the clock, don't worry. While 11 11 may show up unexpectedly in life for some, others need to actively align with it (and there's nothing wrong with that). Sometimes we need to harness it's power by calling it in, and often, it's in times when we don't actually see it that we need it the most. Request its assistance, allow it to create shifts in your life, know that you are deserving of its power!
I won't have time on 11th November - can I still gain the benefits?
Yes you can! The 11 11 gateway is still at its most potent for a week before 11th November and up to a week after, so while using this meditation on the 11th November is preferable, you can still absolutely tune in to its power within this timeframe window.

Get started now!