FREE MASTERCLASS: Kundalini Rising: How to Balance and Harmonize Your Energy for Spiritual Transformation and Whole Self Integration

(Meditation details below)


The Kundalini Recalibrator

Repair shattered chakras, release blockages and recalibrate your unique flow of Kundalini energy to increase spiritual awakening while maintaining unshakable inner balance.

If you’re going through spiritual awakening, you’ve already experienced ‘Kundalini Rising’ - whether you know it or not!

Kundalini rising is when the dormant life force energy at the base of the spine awakens and blasts through each main chakra like a rocket, connecting to Source, and causing spiritual awakening. It's immeasurably powerful and opens a secret door that truly awakens our soul and spirit, BUT… It can also be hugely damaging to the recipient. As that powerful, explosive energy shoots up the main chakra system, it crashes through the energy blocks of every. single. one. Unfortunately, this process is the reason why awakening so often brings us to our knees… BUT… it doesn’t have to be this way….

What Is 'Kundalini Rising'?

Kundalini rising is when the dormant life force energy at the base of the spine awakens and blasts through each main chakra like a rocket, connecting to Source, and causing spiritual awakening.

It's immeasurably powerful and opens a secret door that truly awakens our soul and spirit, BUT…

It can also be hugely damaging to the recipient - this process is the reason why awakening so often brings us to our knees.

Imagine every pain, hurt, judgement, rejection, tragedy and trauma you’ve ever experienced or struggled to deal with all coming to the surface all at once - this is exactly what awakening does to us.

For some, it causes various emotional and physical issues as these blocks seek resolution, in others, it can literally shatter the self into a myriad of fragmented pieces, leaving us feeling broken and struggling to cope, unable to put ourselves back together and wondering what the heck just happened.

Heightened sensitivity to stimuli, unexplained physical sensations, and disruptions in sleep patterns are common experiences. Moreover, the intense release of past traumas and unresolved emotions can trigger moments of psychological distress. Some individuals may even face existential crises or episodes of psychosis, prompting a deeper inquiry into the nature of reality and self.

But, it doesn’t need to be this way.

If you can re-calibrate the FLOW of Kundalini energy to levels that are healthy and appropriate for you, your energy and your awakening experience, you can THRIVE. Not only you can harness the untapped power of Kundalini while actively REINTEGRATING any lost and broken energy fragments (and when you do not only will you feel healthy, whole and complete within) but you’ll have a connection to the higher realms that will delight, comfort, guide and amaze you too.

Are YOU ready for this next pivotal step?!

🙏 Exploring Kundalini Energy and it’s 5 Transformative Benefits

  • Heightened Awareness and Intuition: Kundalini awakening sharpens your intuitive abilities, enabling you to trust your inner guidance and make more aligned decisions with clarity and confidence, helping you to navigate life's challenges with grace. This heightened intuition can also enhance your empathy and understanding of others, improving your relationships and social interactions.
  • Emotional Healing & Balance: As Kundalini energy flows through your body, it helps release emotional blockages by purifying the chakras, which store emotional memories and traumas. By clearing these energetic blockages, you can experience a greater sense of inner calm, reduced anxiety, and improved emotional resilience. This balance allows you to respond to life's challenges with grace and composure.
  • Expanded Creativity and Expression: Tapping into your Kundalini energy stimulates your creative potential, sparking new ideas and innovative thinking. This creative awakening can manifest in various forms, from artistic expression to problem-solving in your personal and professional life. The flow of Kundalini energy removes mental blockages and opens channels for inspiration, allowing you to explore new possibilities and bring your creative visions to life while expressing yourself authentically.
  • Spiritual Connection and Growth: Kundalini Rising fosters a profound connection to your spiritual essence and the universal energy around you. This journey catalyzes spiritual growth, leading to deeper insights, meaningful synchronicities, and a sense of oneness with the cosmos.
  • Inner Joy and Positivity: As you align with your Kundalini energy, you cultivate a sense of inner joy, positivity, and fulfillment, enriching every aspect of your life. This inner joy arises from a deep connection to your true self and the universe, fostering a sense of contentment and gratitude. By embracing this positivity, you can navigate life's challenges with a hopeful and optimistic outlook, spreading happiness and light to those around you.

Would these transformative benefits improve your life and awakening? If yes, it's all right here waiting for you. In fact, the Kundalini Rising process has already started within you - you simply need to HARMONISE this potent energy to reap a multitude of life fulfilling benefits right away!

Ready to harmonize your Kundalini energy? This one is for YOU!


This meditation will:

  • Recalibrate the intensity of the levels of Kundalini surging in your system
  • Reintegrate shattered aspects of self (caused by the force of Kundalini rising)
  • Restore inner harmony & ease the challenges of the intensity of this transformative experience
  • Learn to balance this potent energy influx with everyday life
  • Expand your consciousness and tap into realms of spiritual insight and intuition you never knew existed

ADDITIONAL BONUS: This meditation includes a 20 minute aftercare checkup session for additional healing and support.

⚠️ Signs You're Going Through Kundalini Rising (the dangers, challenges & how to harmonise it!)

Let's talk about one of the ‘secret’ primary concerns that no one seems to be willing to address in an unmanaged Kundalini Rising energy experience - and that is the all too common potential for mental health challenges or even episodes of psychosis.

The intense energy surges (if left untreated) purge the chakras, and in doing so, which can understandably overwhelm the psyche, leading to feelings of disorientation, anxiety, or even episodes of psychosis for some individuals, and it is common to temporarily lose a grip on our 3d reality). Also, in such a heightened state of awareness, often our intuition gets mixed in with the negative content seeking release, and so our insights become confusing, inaccurate and sometimes even temporarily entirely removed from logic, reason and grounding.

If this has happened to you (or even if you suspect it has happened low level), please don’t worry, we’ll be sharing key tips and guidance to help you reintegrate all energies and balance absolutely can be found again.

However, even if Kundalini Rising doesn’t take you to these potential depths, it can (and will) still unearth deep-seated emotional wounds and traumas, bringing them to the surface for healing. Unexpressed trauma responses often seek release and can even play out in real time, which is incredibly confusing - this is where we feel intense fear or anxiety yet can find no clear cause for it. While this can be a powerful catalyst for growth and transformation, it can also be emotionally taxing and challenging to manage.

Let’s take a look at some of the signs you’re going through Kundalini Rising:

Physical Discomfort: As Kundalini energy ascends through the chakras, it can cause various physical sensations such as intense heat, tingling, or pressure along the spine, neck, skull and other parts of the body. These sensations can be uncomfortable or even painful, and may manifest as muscle cramps, headaches, dizziness or gastrointestinal issues. It's essential to listen to your body and seek medical advice if needed, ensuring the physical symptoms are understood and managed properly.

Emotional Turmoil: The release of suppressed emotions and unresolved past traumas during Kundalini awakening can lead to intense emotional experiences. Individuals may find themselves unexpectedly crying, feeling waves of anger, or experiencing deep fear. This emotional turbulence is a natural part of the healing process but can be overwhelming without the right coping mechanisms and emotional support.

Mental Health Challenges: Kundalini awakening can sometimes trigger mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, temporary loss of grip on reality or even episodes of psychosis. The sudden shifts in perception and consciousness may be disorienting, leading to confusion and fear. It's crucial to have a support system in place, including mental health professionals who understand spiritual experiences and can provide appropriate care and guidance.

Spiritual Crisis: The awakening process often challenges existing belief systems and perceptions of reality, leading to what is known as a spiritual crisis or "dark night of the soul." This can cause feelings of confusion, existential dread, and a sense of being lost or disconnected from one's spiritual path. Navigating this crisis requires patience, introspection, and often, the guidance of experienced spiritual mentors.

Energy Imbalances: If the Kundalini energy is not properly managed, it can lead to imbalances in the body's energy system. This might manifest as extreme restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, or chronic fatigue. Balancing practices such as grounding exercises, energy healing, and regular physical activity can help maintain a harmonious energy flow and mitigate these symptoms.

Isolation and Loneliness: The profound inner changes brought about by Kundalini awakening can create a sense of disconnection from friends and family who may not understand or relate to the experience. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Finding a community of like-minded individuals or a spiritual support group can provide much-needed companionship and understanding during this journey.

Difficulty in Daily Functioning: The intensity of the Kundalini experience can interfere with everyday responsibilities and normal functioning. Simple tasks may become overwhelming, and maintaining a regular routine can be challenging. It's important to give yourself permission to rest and take breaks when needed, and to communicate your needs to those around you.

Overstimulation: The heightened sensitivity to external stimuli, such as noise, light, and social interactions, can make everyday environments overwhelming. Managing this sensitivity often requires lifestyle adjustments, such as creating a calm living space, reducing sensory input, and practicing relaxation techniques.

Misinterpretation of Experiences: Without proper guidance, it can be difficult to interpret the various experiences and sensations of Kundalini awakening correctly. This misinterpretation can lead to unnecessary fear and confusion. Educating yourself about the process and seeking guidance from experienced practitioners can help in understanding and integrating these experiences more effectively.

Need for Proper Guidance: Navigating the Kundalini awakening process safely and effectively often requires the guidance of an experienced teacher or mentor who can provide support and direction. A knowledgeable guide can help you understand your experiences, dissolve fear and anxiety, offer practical advice, and ensure that you are practicing techniques that promote balance and safety.

Do YOU resonate with any of the above signs? If you even THINK you might be going through Kundalini Rising, this brand new energy healing meditation can help…

"It’s like it’s more clear to me to know what I’m supposed to heal in my life. That I now can focus on my life and what to heal. And I felt more grounded.

Thanks so much for helping me in my journey. Because of your products I can function in my life, prepare my business and even travel a bit."

- Ane Mette Anderson





"I was so surprised... before I even opened the meditation and began. Thank you so much!"

- Betsy Portela



> A recorded energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.

> Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.

> Full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.

> A calm and relaxing meditation to help you stay still, present and relaxed despite the challenges right now.

Get started now!

Course Curriculum



> You can complete the meditation from the comfort of your own home.

> You have lifetime access, so you can repeat the meditation for additional healing as often as you like for as long as you want, without costly repeated sessions with healers.

> Healing can be accessed whenever you like, across any and all devices you own, (as long as you have an internet connection).

"It was such a big relief when I did this meditation! It not only cleared my energy but grounded and focused me. I did it before sleeping and slept well at night. Thank you for this wonderful meditation! I am going to be using it frequently."

- Bhavneet Chhatwal

Course Curriculum

Your Instructor

Kelly Ashley
Kelly Ashley

When I went through my awakening, I hit crisis level. I was chronically ungrounded (no matter what I tried) and that led to a LOT of anxiety. I was overwhelmed and burnt out because I couldn't control my psychic senses. My emotions and feelings were so heightened and erratic that I just couldn't cope. I was secretly afraid that I was losing my mind.

That was, until I finally learned the importance of grounding my awakening which helped me calm anxiety, release overwhelm, balance my psychic abilities and stabilize my emotions. It did change everything, but it wasn't as simple as just trying a few grounding techniques. I had to ground both physically and energetically. I had to actually teach my energies HOW with energetic downloads.

"I want to thank you and let you know how much your work has helped me. I don't know if I would have made it through the last 5 or 6 weeks if I hadn't found your meditations. There was so much synchronicity it was amazing. Plus your beautiful Scottish accent is lovely and uplifting to listen to and makes me smile when I hear it."

- Mary D, USA

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the healing session?
How does lifetime access sound? After purchasing, you have unlimited access to this healing session for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Meditation and energy healing always makes me feel worse. Is this safe?
This energy healing is entirely safe during spiritual awakening. Most meditations or energetic healings are too charging and stimulating during awakening, but rest assured that this healing is destined to come to you and will cause you no harm. It has been specifically and divinely devised to SUPPORT and honour the awakening process.
How often do I need to do the healing session?
It only takes once in order for you to receive the energetic changes that the session will bring, but you may wish to repeat it in order to continue healing more deeply. The more you repeat it, the more deeply it can access and release soul level blocks and continue to move down the layers. You are welcome to repeat it as many times as you like (monthly, weekly or even daily if you choose), but avoid doing it more than once a day so that you don't become ungrounded.
What is it you are channeling?
I like to refer to this energy as high vibrational energy, but in truth it is an amalgamation of many highly ascended masters who are working with us throughout the awakening process. Its a VERY ascended energy. In fact, you might get some insights during or afterwards as to who we are working with.
How long is the energy healing?
Both meditations are approximately 20 minutes long.
Can I do only this energy healing session, or will I need future ones as well?
If one is all you ever feel drawn to do, that's fine, and you'll still gain massive benefits from having connected with the energy and being adjusted by it. If any future ones are meant for, or needed by you on a soul level, you'll know. You'll feel a resonance and a draw to the ones you need.

Get started now!