FREE MASTERCLASS: How To Awaken Your Inner Light

The Catalyst For Deepened Consciousness & Serious Spiritual Evolution!


The Inner Light Awakening Meditation

Clear spiritual stagnation, awaken your inner light’s power, activate the untapped light within for deepened consciousness & expansive spiritual growth!


This keeps our consciousness stuck in lower vibrations & leads to a sense of disconnect & spiritual stagnation - & it won’t change, until we ACTIVELY connect to and awaken that inner light once more!

Modern day life is so stressful that understandably, we’ve become entirely disconnected from our own inner light! In fact, most people are completely unaware of this - but you and I both know when energetically, something isn't quite right.

Perhaps you've been on the spiritual pathway for some time now but still feel like you're not making progress - things aren't 'clicking' - something is missing...

THIS is the call - it's time for your inner light awakening!

What Is An Inner Light Awakening?

Awakening your inner light is a profound acceleration of spiritual growth and deepened consciousness - its a journey toward self-realization and spiritual awakening. It helps you to discover a beacon of light within, illuminating your path amidst the unknown and the chaotic environment of the material world. This process reveals layers of understanding, self-discovery, and spiritual harmony.

It is a metamorphic process where your consciousness vibrates at a higher frequency, shedding layers of misconception and unveiling authentic truth. This elevation provides a renewed perspective, dispelling the shadows of uncertainty and offering a roadmap to navigate life with unwavering clarity.

Is SOMETHING telling you that this might be it - the missing piece of the puzzle - the next step to deepening your consciousness and growing spiritually? Then we've got an energy healing meditation that is sure to catalyse the transformation you've been waiting for...



This meditation will help you:

  • Instantly connect with the vibrant energy of your inner light for deepened consciousness & spiritual growth
  • Clear spiritual stagnation & lower vibrational frequencies that may be blocking your inner light’s power
  • Allow the glowing beacon within to guide you to your higher vibrational life
  • Activate the profound untapped light within you easily and effortlessly (& maintain the connection long term)
  • Embody a life resonating with authenticity and fulfillment
  • Become a beacon, inspiring others to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and inner illumination.

ADDITIONAL BONUS: This meditation includes a 20 minute aftercare session for an advanced level inner light awakening!

4 Sure-fire Signs You're Disconnected From Your Inner Light!

SIGN #1 - Resistance to Change

Often, a sign that you're blocking your inner light is a resistance to change. If you find yourself constantly avoiding new experiences, clinging onto routines even when they don't serve you anymore, or feeling anxious about stepping out of your comfort zone, this resistance might be dimming your inner light. Embracing change can be challenging, but it's an essential part of your growth and spiritual journey.

SIGN #2 - Overwhelm and Neglect of Self-Care

Feeling overwhelmed or neglecting self-care can be another warning sign. When life's demands consume your every moment, leaving no space for introspection or self-care, your inner light might flicker. Neglecting your mental, emotional, or physical well-being can dim the brightness of your inner light, making it challenging to connect with your deeper self.

SIGN #3 - Persistent Negative Thought Patterns

Do you find yourself stuck in recurring negative thought patterns or self-doubt? These patterns can cloud the clarity of your inner light. Constant negative self-talk or dwelling on past mistakes can create a barrier between you and your inner self. It's crucial to recognize and work on transforming these thoughts to invite more positivity and light.

SIGN #4 - Difficulty In Speaking Up

Lightworkers and empaths are often very sensitive and gentle souls, and can at times feel overwhelmed by the energies, strong will or assertiveness of others. This can make speaking up, expressing true feelings or sometimes even saying ‘no’ a disruptive inner conflict as they battle their natural inclination to maintain an energy of peace and equilibrium. Practicing authentically speaking your truth will bring your inner light to the fore.

Excited to begin? Our new meditation, 'The Inner Light Awakening' is here to support your journey in awakening your inner radiance, regardless of prior experiences with such practices!

This meditation aids in aligning with your inner light, facilitating breakthroughs in energy, and fostering swift yet harmonious personal growth and awakening. If this resonates, delve deeper below.

"I’ve purchased almost all of your meditations as I was really struggling with my awakening. It’s been a very confusing process but I’m so happy & relieved to have found you. I’m not sure what I would’ve done without you."

- Polly R





"Your calm, understanding voice is comforting and makes me feel less alone on this wild journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

- Heidi Mae



> A recorded energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.

> Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.

> Full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.

> A calm and relaxing meditation to help you stay still, present and relaxed despite the challenges right now.

Get started now!

Course Curriculum

  The Inner Light Awakening Meditation
Available in days
days after you enroll



> You can complete the meditation from the comfort of your own home.

> You have lifetime access, so you can repeat the meditation for additional healing as often as you like for as long as you want, without costly repeated sessions with healers.

> Healing can be accessed whenever you like, across any and all devices you own, (as long as you have an internet connection).

"I don't have anything but wonderful things to say. Your calm, understanding voice is comforting and makes me feel less alone on this wild journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

- Heidi Mae

Course Curriculum

  The Inner Light Awakening Meditation
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Kelly Ashley
Kelly Ashley

When I went through my awakening, I hit crisis level. I was chronically ungrounded (no matter what I tried) and that led to a LOT of anxiety. I was overwhelmed and burnt out because I couldn't control my psychic senses. My emotions and feelings were so heightened and erratic that I just couldn't cope. I was secretly afraid that I was losing my mind.

That was, until I finally learned the importance of grounding my awakening which helped me calm anxiety, release overwhelm, balance my psychic abilities and stabilize my emotions. It did change everything, but it wasn't as simple as just trying a few grounding techniques. I had to ground both physically and energetically. I had to actually teach my energies HOW with energetic downloads.

"Kelly is incredibly intuitive and I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for ‘the answer’."

- Lorraine Robertson

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the healing session?
How does lifetime access sound? After purchasing, you have unlimited access to this healing session for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Meditation and energy healing always makes me feel worse. Is this safe?
This energy healing is entirely safe during spiritual awakening. Most meditations or energetic healings are too charging and stimulating during awakening, but rest assured that this healing is destined to come to you and will cause you no harm. It has been specifically and divinely devised to SUPPORT and honour the awakening process.
How often do I need to do the healing session?
It only takes once in order for you to receive the energetic changes that the session will bring, but you may wish to repeat it in order to continue healing more deeply. The more you repeat it, the more deeply it can access and release soul level blocks and continue to move down the layers. You are welcome to repeat it as many times as you like (monthly, weekly or even daily if you choose), but avoid doing it more than once a day so that you don't become ungrounded.
What is it you are channeling?
I like to refer to this energy as high vibrational energy, but in truth it is an amalgamation of many highly ascended masters who are working with us throughout the awakening process. Its a VERY ascended energy. In fact, you might get some insights during or afterwards as to who we are working with.
How long is the energy healing?
Both meditations are approximately 20 minutes long.
Can I do only this energy healing session, or will I need future ones as well?
If one is all you ever feel drawn to do, that's fine, and you'll still gain massive benefits from having connected with the energy and being adjusted by it. If any future ones are meant for, or needed by you on a soul level, you'll know. You'll feel a resonance and a draw to the ones you need.

Get started now!