FREE MASTERCLASS: Broken Heart Healing: How To Release Low Vibrational Heart Pain, Repair The Heart Chakra & Attract Your Joy Filled, Heart Centred Life!

(Meditation details below)


The Heart Chakra Elevation

Clear blocks in your heart, heal the broken heart chakra to resonate with higher vibrational frequencies & manifest a heart centred, joy filled life

Did you know that sensitives, lightworkers, empaths and spiritually awakened souls have one BIG energy problem in common… A broken heart.

As old souls, we’ve been through so much that our heart chakras are either scared to open up or completely shut down to avoid ever having our hearts broken (whether that was in THIS current lifetime, or secretly hidden in our elusive past life history). Most aren’t even aware of this humongous limiter in not only their spiritual awakening, but in their ability to experience real joy and happiness in their lives too. Since the heart chakra is the PORTAL that enables you to channel higher vibrational love and light, any form of heartbreak is a heavy vice grip that can literally ache - and what's more - it BLOCKS the flow of higher frequency energies that we so desperately need to assist and guide us on our awakening pathway. Since the heart chakra is our biggest electro magnetic point of attraction within, ANY heartache, heartbreak, betrayal pain, sense of loss, grief (pretty much ANY negative energy held within the heart space) actively BECOMES your magnet and DRAWS things of a like nature to manifest in your life, creating themes and patterns you can’t explain, and there's only one real effective, lasting way to stop it for GOOD.

Do YOU Have THIS Serious Energy Problem?

Did you know that most sensitives, lightworkers, empaths and spiritually awakened souls have one BIG energy problem in common…

Broken hearts.

Why? Because we’ve been through countless heartaches, betrayals, devastations, tragedies and so much grief that despite our loving nature, deep down our heart chakras are either scared to open up or completely shut down to avoid ever having our hearts broken again (whether that was in THIS current lifetime, or secretly hidden in our elusive past life history).

And what's worse - most aren’t even aware of this humongous limiter in not only their spiritual awakening, but in their ability to experience real joy and happiness in their lives too.

Sometimes you don’t even notice it's there. Sometimes you just have this intuitive impression that your heart chakra should be more open, or that love should have more depth to it, but for some reason, it doesn’t. Sometimes you get a spiritual moment where you momentarily FEEL the love that SHOULD be sensed and realise that something, somehow is missing.

A broken heart chakra is a BIG problem for those going through the awakening process because:

  • It keeps you in ‘pain’ energy, lowering your vibration
  • It creates walls in the heart space, shutting down this chakra from full functioning
  • It blocks the heart chakra portal, reducing its ability to channel higher vibrational love and light
  • The broken heart energy becomes a MAGNET in your manifestation efforts, drawing more of what hurt you back into your life

This is where energetic themes and patterns develop - like why you can’t explain why people always betray you, or hurt you, break your trust, or let you down etc. It’s because, whether you’re aware of it or not, the pain of your previous experiences are drawing more of the same into your life, and there's only one real effective, lasting way to stop it for GOOD.

Heal your broken heart...

💔11 Alarming Signs Of A Broken Heart

Whether you sense you may have broken heart energy - or even feel you know you do, check our list of alarming signs of broken heart energy that need your immediate attention and healing:

  • A profound sense of loss and sadness (even if you don’t know why)
  • Persistent (or intermittent) emotional turmoil and mood swings such as intense anger, crying and despair
  • Lack of depth in your feelings or emotional flatness
  • Anxiety or depression that you can’t seem to soothe
  • Physical manifestations of heart break such as fatigue, insomnia, and even heavy or tight chest discomfort or pain
  • Feeling overwhelmed by confusion, disbelief or hurt
  • Being plagued by incessant overthinking and difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling disconnected from others, your higher self and the Universe
  • Having unresolved emotional wounds that you KNOW need attention and healing
  • Dwelling on your past relationships (in love or friendship), hurts and betrayals
  • Struggling to progress on your spiritual path

I’ll be real with you - if you have even ONE of the signs listed above (and especially if you have MORE!) you most likely have some form of broken heart energy. So I know YOU know it’s time to get to healing…

But by healing your broken heart, I don’t mean talk endlessly about it (that won’t shift the energy) and I don’t mean tell yourself you’re over it by shutting it down (that won’t budge a smidge of the energy that is causing the problem either). Instead, you need to actively SHIFT the energy by DISSOLVING the pain. Clear the pain -> clear the magnet -> attract love, compassionate connection, light and joy filled happiness back into your life and awakening!

Heartbreak is not just an emotional wound but a spiritual challenge that holds the potential for profound transformation IF you know how to do it in a way that really LASTS. In a way that truly helps you find relief and noticeably feel BETTER. In a way that helps you move from stuck and suffering to expansion of the heart, enlightenment and growth, opening new pathways to your highest and best life along the way! It's wonderful! Can you just imagine how good it’ll feel to take a big deep breath and exhale all that negative, congestive, blocking energy from your heart space and let the love of the Universe in?

'The Heart Chakra Elevation' energy healing meditation will do it all for you...


The 'Heart Chakra Elevation' energy healing meditation will help you to:

  • Break free from heartbreak and heartache blocks in the heart chakra
  • Clear themes and patterns such as betrayal, broken trust or being let down etc to stop it for GOOD
  • Clear your electro magnetic point of attraction of negative signals such as heartache, heartbreak, betrayal pain, sense of loss, grief (or ANY negative energy held within the heart space)
  • Unblock the flow of higher frequency energies to assist and guide you on your awakening pathway
  • Repair the broken heart chakra
  • Expand the heart to channel more higher vibrational love and light through your healed heart chakra portal
  • Supports your spiritual awakening process and helps you channel the divine love and light you came here to radiate (while attracting your highest and best, joy filled life in the process!)

ADDITIONAL BONUS: This meditation includes a 20 minute aftercare checkup session for additional healing and support.

🌟10 Life Transmuting Benefits of Healing Your Broken Heart

Most sensitives, lightworkers, empaths and spiritually awakened souls have broken heart energy…

But… there IS good news - healing broken heart energy CAN become a powerful catalyst of TRANSFORMATION for personal and spiritual growth - IF you know HOW!

So without further ado, here are the life TRANSMUTING benefits that you can expect when you commit to healing your broken heart energy:

  • Feeling truly safe to love and be loved (without fear, suspicion or mistrust)
  • Calm and balanced emotions & renewed resilience & strength (no more emotional melt downs!)
  • Reduction (or full resolve) of anxiety or depression
  • Trusting that you can handle whatever comes your way
  • Feeling more connected with others, your higher self and the Universe
  • Resolution of troublesome emotional wounds that may have bothered you for years
  • Clear your electromagnetic point of attraction of negative signals such as heartache, heartbreak, betrayal pain, sense of loss, grief (or ANY negative energy held within the heart space)
  • Free your mind from ruminating over the past
  • Clear themes and patterns such as betrayal, trust being broken or being let down etc to stop it for GOOD
  • Expansion of the heart, enlightenment and growth, opening new pathways to your highest and best, joy filled life along the way!

So now, let's get into the GOOD bit - I've created an advanced level energy healing meditation to heal your broken heart in a way that REALLY works - using a tried and tested method that I created myself after YEARS of visiting all sorts of different energy healers who could not get my heart chakra ache to budge.

Are you ready?!

"I was so surprised how much fear I started feeling before I even opened the meditation and began. Thank you so much!"

- Betsy Portela





"You have an amazing gift!!! Thank you for responsibly aligning your time to allow your energy to be an inspiration that illuminates the path for others."

- Jean Sloan



> A recorded energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.

> Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.

> Full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.

> A calm and relaxing meditation to help you stay still, present and relaxed despite the challenges right now.

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Course Curriculum



> You can complete the meditation from the comfort of your own home.

> You have lifetime access, so you can repeat the meditation for additional healing as often as you like for as long as you want, without costly repeated sessions with healers.

> Healing can be accessed whenever you like, across any and all devices you own, (as long as you have an internet connection).

"This was such a blessing for me... I'M SO GRATEFUL!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

- Christiana Williams

Course Curriculum

Your Instructor

Kelly Ashley
Kelly Ashley

When I went through my awakening, I hit crisis level. I was chronically ungrounded (no matter what I tried) and that led to a LOT of anxiety. I was overwhelmed and burnt out because I couldn't control my psychic senses. My emotions and feelings were so heightened and erratic that I just couldn't cope. I was secretly afraid that I was losing my mind.

That was, until I finally learned the importance of grounding my awakening which helped me calm anxiety, release overwhelm, balance my psychic abilities and stabilize my emotions. It did change everything, but it wasn't as simple as just trying a few grounding techniques. I had to ground both physically and energetically. I had to actually teach my energies HOW with energetic downloads.

"I want to thank you and let you know how much your work has helped me. I don't know if I would have made it through the last 5 or 6 weeks if I hadn't found your meditations. There was so much synchronicity it was amazing. Plus your beautiful Scottish accent is lovely and uplifting to listen to and makes me smile when I hear it."

- Mary D, USA

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the healing session?
How does lifetime access sound? After purchasing, you have unlimited access to this healing session for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Meditation and energy healing always makes me feel worse. Is this safe?
This energy healing is entirely safe during spiritual awakening. Most meditations or energetic healings are too charging and stimulating during awakening, but rest assured that this healing is destined to come to you and will cause you no harm. It has been specifically and divinely devised to SUPPORT and honour the awakening process.
How often do I need to do the healing session?
It only takes once in order for you to receive the energetic changes that the session will bring, but you may wish to repeat it in order to continue healing more deeply. The more you repeat it, the more deeply it can access and release soul level blocks and continue to move down the layers. You are welcome to repeat it as many times as you like (monthly, weekly or even daily if you choose), but avoid doing it more than once a day so that you don't become ungrounded.
What is it you are channeling?
I like to refer to this energy as high vibrational energy, but in truth it is an amalgamation of many highly ascended masters who are working with us throughout the awakening process. Its a VERY ascended energy. In fact, you might get some insights during or afterwards as to who we are working with.
How long is the energy healing?
Both meditations are approximately 20 minutes long.
Can I do only this energy healing session, or will I need future ones as well?
If one is all you ever feel drawn to do, that's fine, and you'll still gain massive benefits from having connected with the energy and being adjusted by it. If any future ones are meant for, or needed by you on a soul level, you'll know. You'll feel a resonance and a draw to the ones you need.

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